Welcome to the Center for Auditory Processing
At Center for Auditory Processing, we focus on individual needs assessment, evaluation, and treatment of Auditory Processing Disorders. Each individual is unique, so our approach to evaluation and auditory therapy is customized to each patient’s needs.

What We Offer Our Patients
Center for Auditory Processing specializes in evaluation and treatment of Auditory Processing Disorders for children and adults. We utilize the Buffalo Model for both evaluations and Auditory Training Therapy, and customize treatment to deficit-specific needs.
Our Associations
Central Auditory Processing
Using the Buffalo Model for evaluations, we determine where the deficit lies for each individual and customize a treatment plan specific to their needs. Each evaluation includes a consultation, full test battery, report(s), and course of action.
Treatment is determined by evaluation results and discussed with clients and family members at length. Treatment usually begins with 10-14 weeks of auditory therapy followed by a re-test of the Buffalo Model battery to evaluate the patient’s deficit status post treatment.
We utilize Buffalo Model Approach for treatment including:
Words in Noise Training
Phonemic Training
Acoustic Pioneer
Telehealth Services
We offer a variety of options for patient evaluations and treatment via Telehelth when getting to the office can be a challenge. While this is not available for all evaluations and treatments, we do our best to accommodate.
Schedule Your Appointment Today!
We’ve helped many people in our community attain a better standard of hearing. Give us a try, we’re ready to take your call.
“I had been struggling with hearing in noise and understanding what others were saying. It took me a lot of time to process and I was behind in conversations. Dr. Malcolm’s thorough evaluation provided answers I’d been seeking for some time. I’m looking forward to the treatment plan that we have in place, and being better able to process what I’m hearing.”
Amy M